Friday, January 13, 2006

What if I don't accept or reject God?

No matter what your age, as a Christ-follower you are told to go and tell others the Good News (The Gospel). It is not usually easy telling a friend who does not believe about Jesus. What if your friend says, "I just want to sit on the fence. I don't accept Him and I don't reject Him."?

Thing to consider: the very reason for this life might be to make a decision for or against God. If that is the case, then maybe it is impossible for us not to make a decision. In other words, if we don't say yes to God, we have therefore said no.

Check out the rest of this response to the question - "What if I don't accept or reject God?"

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Loud iPods Make You Deaf - Pete Townsend

Pete Townshend Warns IPod Users

Guitarist Pete Townshend has warned iPod users that they could end up with hearing problems as bad as his own if they don't turn down the volume of the music they are listening to on earphones.

Check out the rest of the story here....