Monday, October 24, 2005

Other Religions and Christianity

I have students asking me all of the time "what is the difference between Christianity and other world religions?

They ask me questions like:
Don't we all worship the same God?
Aren't there many ways to God?

Here is a great article from EveryStudent.Com that examines the difference in several world religions and Christianity, Connecting With the Divine.

Is there a difference?
In looking at these major belief systems and their views of God, we find tremendous diversity:
  • Hindus believe in 300,000 gods.
  • Buddhists say there is no deity.
  • New Age followers believe they are God.
  • Muslims believe in a powerful but unknowable God.
  • Christians believe in a God who is loving and approachable.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

He Made Fun of My Faith - Campus Life Magazine

He Made Fun of My Faith
Brandon was popular—and he didn't care much for religion.
by Casey Day as told to Chris Lutes

I sat at my desk doodling mindlessly, trying to relax after finishing a history exam. As I scribbled away, Brandon* walked past me and gave the teacher his completed exam. On the way back to his seat, he grabbed my Bible off the corner of my desk.

Brandon was one of the most popular guys in school and could make just about anyone laugh with his weird sense of humor. He also didn't care much for religion. When he found out I was a Christian, he'd told me something like, "Only wackos believe the Bible—it's full of lies." He even called me "hardcore," because he apparently thought I was this crazy hardcore Christian.

I glanced back to where Brandon was sitting and noticed him flipping through my Bible. I couldn't help but wonder if he was going to make fun of my beliefs. After a minute or two, someone tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a note. It read:

Click to read the rest of the story

Who Pays Someone to do That?

Cereologist (seer-ee-OL-uh-jist) noun One who specializes in investigating crop circles.

Who pays someone to be a cereologist?